Sunday, April 9, 2017

Power Rangers Brings Superhero Diversity to the Big Screen.

The new Power Rangers film released on March 24, pushes boundaries with the addition of an LGBTQ, an autistic character as well as inclusion of a Latina, Asian, and African American actors. 

In Power Rangers, which was released on March 24, the crime fighting team welcomes Trini, the Yellow Ranger, who is a homosexual latina. The Yellow Ranger is played by Becky G, a young Latina singer. In the movie, Trini is having girlfriend problems. In a scene of the movie, the team is sitting around the campfire where they are all getting to know each other, Zack asks Trini if she is having boyfriend problems, to which she says sarcastically “yeah, boyfriend problems” then he asks “girlfriend problems?” to this Trini does not reply.

On Twitter on March 22, @aplusapp wrote “the @PowerRangers aren't just fighting evil - but fighting for representation.” Becky G using her @iambeckyg Twitter handle retweeted and commented on March 22, “I’m Proud.”

Wired writer Angela Watercutter says “ As soon as word got out about the Yellow Ranger, social media lit up, both with outcry and support, latter in the form of Beyonce images and Meryl Streep memes. Folks weren’t excited because there was a new LGBTQ character in a movie, they were excited because she was a major player in a big superhero franchise. And even better, it was presented in a matter-of-fact way. No fanfare, just reality."

David Yost, who is openly gay, who portrayed Billy Cranston in the original series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers praised the film. “Withe the new Power Rangers movie including an LGBTQI character, they really stepped up to the plate, and I think so many people in the LGBTQI community are going to be excited to see that representation.” In the 1990’s Yost quit his job due to the harassment he faced because of his sexuality.”

Not everyone is excited about the inclusion of a queer character in the film. There is a petition to urge Lionsgate to pull the film because they deem it a sin and is not good for children. They think that children should not be exposed to the idea of being homosexual. Patti Riordan D'Amico in a facebook post on April 2, wrote “Power Rangers remake will feature first gay movie superhero.” Her post leads you to a site where you can find a petition to Lionsgate films protesting the film as they believe that being homosexual is a sin and that this ideas shouldn’t be exposed to children and teenagers. The petition already has over 16 thousand signatures with a goal of 50 thousand.

IO9 writer James Whitbrook says “But at the same time, the moment is so brief, and so matter-of-fact, that it feels like Power Rangers movie may also want to be sweeping it under the rug as quickly as possible.”

The diversity continues as the film debuts asian american actor Ludi Lin, playing the character Zach, the Black Ranger. In the original series Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the asian actress Thuy Trang played the part of the Yellow Ranger. In the new Power Rangers film, Ludy Lin’s character Zach plays the first asian superhero in a major film.

The film also features actor RJ Cyler as Billy the Blue Ranger. In the movie, Billy is on the autism spectrum. Cyler is the third African American to be featured in a superhero movie and his character Billy is the first ever autistic superhero.

@TheCaliNerd on twitter says “My nephew has autism. I genuinely wept when i saw this movie. It was like seeing my nephew grow up to be the hero I’ve always seen him as.”

@GeeksOfColor @rj_cyler @PowerRangers My nephew has autism. I genuinely wept when I saw this movie. It was like seeing my nephew grow up to be the hero I've always seen him as.

— The Cali Nerd (@TheCaliNerd) April 3, 2017
The California Autism Center & Learning Group also posted to the power rangers film facebook page on April 4 “Who's excited for the new Power Rangers Movie?! The blue power ranger will play a character with #autism. Kudos to the producers!”

Actress Naomi Scott plays the character Kimberly the Pink Ranger, and actor Dacre Montgomery plays Jason the Red Ranger. As you can see, the Power Rangers movie caters to everyone.

The movie follows five teenagers who are very different who must become the power rangers in order to protect their home and their world from an alien threat. The film is based on the original Mighty Morphin Power Rangers TV series from 1993. The power rangers have conquered a lot of evil in helping to rid our society of homophobia, and embracing diversity in the 21st century.

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